
Welcome back to the St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal! After a well-deserved and relaxing summer break, our club meetings are now back in session.

We meet every Tuesday evening from 7 PM to 9:05 PM.


How can Toastmasters help you to become a more effective public speaker and a stronger leader?  By helping you to develop your presentation skills and giving you a safe environment in which to practice.

Here is the programme for the meeting of September 3, 2019.

Veuillez noter que la dernière rencontre avant notre habituelle pause pour l’été sera le :

Nous prendrons par la suite une relâche afin de profiter pleinement de toutes les activités estivales qui ont lieu à Montréal.  (La nouvelle session de notre club Toastmasters reprendra dès la première semaine de septembre 2019.)

Voulez-vous des exemples de festivals prévus à Montréal pour l’été 2019? Voici un guide préparé par Tourisme Montréal.

Please note that the meeting of June 18, 2019 will be the last meeting before we (the St-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal) take our customary summer break.

This allows us to take full advantage of the many summer festivities that Montreal has to offer.

(Would you like some ideas of what to do in the city? Here is a link to the Montreal summer festival guide 2019 prepared by Tourisme Montréal.)

We will then be back to our regular Toastmasters meeting schedule starting on Tuesday September 3, 2019.

The St-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal would like to warmly welcome Odile.


Club president Italo welcomes Odile to St-Lawrence Toastmasters

We like to ask our new members to share some of the reasons why they decided to join Toastmasters. Here is what Odile writes:

After seeing major improvements on a few friends who joined Toastmasters, I decided to start the adventure and work on my communication skills. My goal is to break this fear of speaking in front of people. Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters seems to be the right place to be at this very moment.


Are you also looking to improve your communication skills in Montreal? Come visit our Toastmasters club.

Here is the programme for the meeting of April 16, 2019.

Nous sommes fiers d’accueillir trois nouvelles membres qui se sont récemment jointes au club St-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal.

Toastmasters-Montreal-new-members-Bettina-Anca-AnamariaItalo (président du club) accueille Bettina, Anca and Anamaria

Nous avons la coutume de demander aux nouveaux membres de nous partager les raisons pour lesquelles ils se joignent à notre club. Voici leurs propos…

Bettina :

Une connaissance m’a parlé de Toastmasters. Curieuse et intriguée, j’ai assisté à une première rencontre et l’expérience m’a tout de suite conquise – j’y ai trouvé un lieu chaleureux rempli de personnes talentueuses, ouvertes et humainement riches.

Ce fut un vrai déclic – oui j’avais envie d’apprendre à manier l’art oratoire – un vieux rêve enfoui venait de resurgir. Et le club St Lawrence Toastmasters m’offrait l’environnement idéal pour me lancer.

Je profite ainsi de cette ambiance conviviale pour développer cette aisance naturelle de communication si caractéristique des bons orateurs et peut être, un jour, devenir moi-même une oratrice capable d’inspirer, de susciter la réflexion et d’inviter aux rêves les personnes que je rencontrerai.

Anca :

J’aimerais avoir un impact plus grand auprès des membres. Qu’ils rient, ou qu’ils pleurent, j’aimerais ne pas perdre leur attention en leur parlant de finance, un sujet assez plat pour la plupart des gens.

Anamaria :

I joined the St. Lawrence Toastmasters Montréal Club to sharpen my communication and leadership abilities while learning from some of the best.

I’m passionate about people and get inspired by the positive impact and the stories we can create together. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, supporting non-profits, traveling and exploring new places.


Would you like to find out more about how Toastmasters can help you meet your communications objectives?

Feel free to visit our club.

Here is the programme for the meeting of April 2, 2019.

Congratulations to our St-Lawrence Toastmasters member Nadine Champagne Gundry-White, who came in 2nd place at the Toastmasters International Speech Contest (District 61, Division G).

Nadine enjoys competing in such contests, as you might see from this post from a couple of years ago.


Are you interested in finding out more about Toastmasters? Feel free to visit the St-Lawrence Toastmasters club in Montreal.

Here is the programme for the meeting of March 26, 2019.


Dear Toastmasters members and friends,

You are invited to a fun and exciting evening at the Area 62 International Speech and Evaluation Contests.

St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club is organizing this wonderful evening and we hope to see all of you.

Here is the relevant information.

Date:  Tuesday February 19, 2016

Time:  Starts at 7 pm sharp (We should be finished by 10 pm.)

(All contestants and organizers are to present themselves no later than 6:15 pm.)


St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club
Restaurant L’Ambroisie (conference room)
4030 St-Ambroise, suite 140
(in the west wing of the building)
Montreal, Quebec, H4C 2C7
Link for detailed directions to the club)

Entrance Fee:  $10

NOTE: The cost is $10. Vegetables & dip will be available before the contest, and the entrance fee also includes one free non-alcoholic drink. We recommend that everyone arrives early, (i.e. by 6:30 PM or earlier).

We look forward to seeing you!

You may also download the Toastmasters Area 62 Contests Agenda.

Toastmasters Area 62 Contest programme

A big thanks to Bob Palmer for recently informing us that the St-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal is the 9th oldest club in the world outside of the United States.

Bob is a fellow Toastmaster and historian from District 12 in California, USA. With 45 years at Toastmasters, one of his side hobbies is to research club histories. Here is what he prepared:

"I weeded out all the early club numbers that had been either retired by Toastmasters International or chartered elsewhere in other years and came up with a list of clubs which are STILL ACTIVE in the places they were chartered."

Oldest Toastmasters clubs

Bob had recently also sent us some other interesting information about our club history, which we posted when our club celebrated its 70th birthday.

Since we are the oldest club in Eastern Canada, we also like to jokingly say that we are the most experienced club too! 🙂

Interested in visiting the most experienced Toastmasters club in Eastern Canada? Come attend one of our meetings! Here is the agenda for the meeting of February 12, 2019.

The meeting of January 22, 2019 will be a special meeting, since we will be holding a club contest (i.e. English and French humorous speech contests, as well as English and French evaluation contests).

Although it won’t be in the standard weekly meeting format, it’s still quite interesting to check out. For example, this is how an Evaluation Contest usually unfolds:


Tous nos meilleurs souhaits pour l’année 2019 !

Le club St-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal aimerait chaleureusement accueillir sa nouvelle membre Claudiane.

Italo, président de notre club, accueille Claudiane

Nous avons l’habitude de demander à nos nouveaux membres de nous partager les raisons pour lesquelles ils ont décidé de se joindre à notre club.

Voici ce que Claudiane nous écrit :

Je me suis jointe à Toastmasters pour me dépasser. Je souhaite améliorer mes habiletés de communication et de leadership afin de m’exprimer clairement et avec aisance. 

À ma première visite au Club St-Lawrence Toastmasters, j’ai été séduite par l’accueil chaleureux, les talents d’orateurs et l’humour des membres. J’ai su que ce club avait l’environnement propice pour m’aider à atteindre mes objectifs.


Aimeriez-vous savoir comment Toastmasters peut vous aider à atteindre vos propres objectifs de communication et de leadership?  Venez nous rendre visite!

Voici le programme pour la soirée du 8 janvier 2019.

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