
Félicitations aux champions de la division F pour avoir gagné au concours 2013 Toastmasters du District 61 qui a eu lieu au Château Montebello cette fin de semaine!

Improvisations en anglais
1er prix : Yaw Perbi (
club Westmount)

Improvisations en français
1er prix : Alain Cliche (
CN Collaborators)

Discours international en anglais
2e prix : Italo Magni (
St. Lawrence)

Discours en français
2e prix : Benoit Ménard (CN Collaborators)

Merci de rendre la division F si fière de vous! Le F de notre division représente Fantastique et vous êtes fantastiques!

Et voici d’autres bonnes nouvelles. Pendant la conférence du District 61, Daniel Gélinas, membre du CN Collaborators, a été élu le nouveau gouverneur de la division F entrant pour l’année 2013-2014.

Félicitations à tous,

Allan Wong, DTM
Gouverneur de division F 2012-2013
Toastmasters International, District 61


Toastmasters Conférence printemps 2013 gagnants secteur 53

De gauche à droite:

Alex Chan représentant Italo Magni (2e prix discours international), Yaw Perbi (1er prix impro. en anglais), Benoit Ménard (2e prix discours en français), Alain Cliche (1er prix impro. en français)

Congratulations Division F Champions for winning in the 2013 Toastmasters District 61 Contest that was held at the Château Montebello this weekend!

Table Topics in English
1st Prize: Yaw Perbi (Westmount Club)

Table Topics in French
1st Prize: Alain Cliche (CN Collaborators)

International Speech in English
2nd Prize: Italo Magni (St. Lawrence)

Speech in French
2nd Prize: Benoit Ménard (CN Collaborators)

Thank you for making Division F so proud! The F in our Division means Fantastic and you are Fantastic!

That’s not all the good news. During the District 61 Conference, Daniel Gélinas from CN Collaborators was elected the new incoming Division F Governor for 2013-2014.

Congratulations to all,

Allan Wong, DTM
Division F Governor 2012-2013
Toastmasters International, District 61

Division F et Alex

From left to right :

Ruth Fénelon (Area 54 Governor), Alex Chan representing Italo Magni (2nd prize Intl. Speech), Yaw Perbi (1st prize TT English), Allan Wong (Division F Governor 2012-2013), Benoit Ménard (2nd prize French Speech), Alain Cliche (1st prize TT French), Daniel Gélinas (Division F Governor 2013-2014)

We would like to welcome Katherine to the St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club in downtown Montreal.


Katherine is a professional interior designer, and feels that she will be able to more effectively communicate with her clients thanks to Toastmasters.


Are you interested in knowing more about how Toastmasters can help you become a better communicator and leader?  Feel free to come visit us.

Here is the Toastmasters agenda for the meeting of April 23, 2013.

Nous aimerions féliciter nos heureux gagnants des concours qui se sont récemment déroulés au Club St. Lawrence Toastmasters Montreal.

Deux concours ont eu lieu lors de la soirée Toastmasters du 12 février 2013 :

– Concours de discours –

St-Lawrence Toastmasters Concours de discours Marie-Paule St-Lawrence Toastmasters Speech Contest Italo

Gagnant discours en français
Marie-Paule Gagnon

English Speech Winner
Italo Magni

– Concours d’improvisation –
St-Lawrence Toastmasters Concours Improvisations Alex St-Lawrence Toastmasters Table Topics Contest Alex

Gagnant impros en français
Alex Chan

English Table Topics Winner
Alex Chan

St-Lawrence Toastmasters Concours Improvisations Elodie St-Lawrence Toastmasters Table Topics Contest Monica

2e place impros en français
Élodie Magni

2nd place Table Topics
Monica Czerniak

St-Lawrence Toastmasters Concours Improvisations Ilya St-Lawrence Toastmasters Table Topics Contest Nicholas

3e place impros en français
Ilya Morozov

3rd place Table Topics
Nicholas Kepper

Merci à Michel Gadbois, président des concours en français (et président de notre club) pour l’organisation, et merci aussi à tous ceux qui ont aidé à faire un succès de la soirée!
A big thanks to Karen Jones (English Contest Chair) and everyone who helped run the Toastmasters contests in a seamless manner!


Voulez-vous assister à une de nos réunions?  N’hésitez pas à venir nous visiter.  Voici le programme pour la soirée du 19 février 2013.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new members Lisa W and Lisa Y.  They have both visited us on a few occasions, and enjoyed their experience.  For 2013, they gave themselves a new year’s resolution to finally take the plunge and join the St-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal in order to fully partake in the Toastmasters programme.

Lisa W-LisaY

Are you interested in knowing more about Toastmasters and how it can help you communicate more effectively in public and become a stronger leader?  Feel free to join us at one of our Tuesday evening meetings.

Here is the programme for the evening of Tuesday January 29, 2013.

We would like to welcome Joëlle to our Toastmasters club.

St-Lawrence Toastmasters Joëlle
(Our club president Martina welcomes Joëlle as a new member.)

As she had put it, “I got this new job where I have to animate crowds/committees in urban planning, and I have a bit of stage fright, and tend to lose my line of thoughts while speaking, but I want to overcome this obstacle.”

Well Joëlle, you’re at the right place and we can certainly help you achieve your objectives of being more comfortable speaking to a large group.

We would like to extend a warm welcome to our new Toastmasters member Carmel.  She has come to visit us on a couple of occasions last year as well as this year, and feels this is a good time to join St-Lawrence Toastmasters for all that Toastmasters has to offer.

St-Lawrence Toastmasters Carmel

Carmel being welcomed by our club president Martina.


Are you interested in finding out more about Toastmasters?  Come meet us!

Here is the meeting agenda for Tuesday December 4, 2012.  Please note that exceptionally this week we are meeting in a separate room down the hall from where we normally meet. (Normally, we meet in the conference room that is located just beside the Restaurant L’Ambroisie. However, they are having a special function that evening and this is why we are meeting down the hall in a smaller room.)

NOTE: The last meeting of 2012 will be on Tuesday December 11.  Then we return after the holidays on January 8, 2013.

We would like to welcome our new members Ilya, Monica, and Carlo (shown left-to-right in the picture below with our club president Martina).

Monica Ilya Carlo

Monica would like to get a better grasp of public speaking, and also learn to not be shy when giving presentations.

Ilya thinks that public speaking is tremendously important (for example, he saw the value that public speaking can have during the recent US elections).

Carlo is already very keen to get started in the Toastmasters adventure.  He already received his Toastmasters New Member Kit.  (This includes, among others, the Competent Communication manual, a workbook of 10 speech projects, to help members develop their Public Speaking Skills.  Also included is the Competent Leadership manual, with projects to help members develop their Leadership Skills.)

As a matter of fact, all three members will be giving their Ice Breaker speeches at our next meeting. 

Are you interested in Toastmasters?  Find out more by coming to one of our meetings.  Here is the evening programme for our Toastmasters meeting of November 13, 2012.

Nous aimerions chaleureusement accueillir nos nouveaux membres Geneviève, Amit et Marck.

St-Lawrence Toastmasters Genevieve Amit Marck
Geneviève, Martina (présidente du club), Amit, Marck

Geneviève s’est joint à nous d’un autre club Toastmasters.  Le fait que nous soyons un club bilingue n’à fait qu’ajouter à son intérêt de se joindre à notre club.

Amit est venu nous visiter à quelques reprises et a décidé de faire le saut et de se joindre à l’aventure.

Marck a vu le potentiel que Toastmasters pourra lui apporter dans ses plans professionnels de leadership.

Êtes-vous intéressés à nous visiter?

The area contest this year took place at our own St. Lawrence Toastmasters club on October 9, 2012.

Congratulations to all the winners, who will move on to the Division F Toastmasters Contests.

Here are the winners of the evening:

Concours de discours humoristique français Toastmasters :

1. Benoit Ménard

2. Michel Gadbois

Toastmasters English Humorous Speech Contest:

1. Benoit Ménard

2. Daniel Gélinas

St-Lawrence-Toastmasters-area-53-contests-2012- (1) 
From left to right: Michel Gadbois, Benoit Ménard, Mathieu Savage (Contest Chair), Daniel Gélinas, Hilary Avertick

Concours d’évaluation en français Toastmasters :

1. Christian Turianskyj

2. Tobi Rodrigue

3. Benoit Ménard

St-Lawrence-Toastmasters-area-53-contests-2012- (3)
From left to right: Jean-François Éthier, Christian Turianskyj, Mathieu Savage (Contest Chair), Benoit Ménard, Tobi Rodrigue

Toastmasters English Evaluation Contest:

1. Nicholas Kepper

2. Mark Lin

3. Benoit Ménard

St-Lawrence-Toastmasters-area-53-contests-2012- (5)
From left to right: Vincent-Philippe Lauzon, Nicholas Kepper, Mathieu Savage (Contest Chair), Benoit Ménard, Alex Chan

The first place winners will compete in the Division F contest, which will take place in Dorval on October 19, 2012.  Should one of the first place winners not be available, then the second place winner shall compete in his place.


Are you interested in attending one of our meetings?

Here is the St-Lawrence Toastmasters programme for October 23, 2012.


Feel free to check out some more pictures of the Area 53 Toastmasters Contests….


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