
The Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in downtown Montreal would like to wish a warm welcome to Tanay, one of its newest members.


As usual, we like to ask our members why they decided to join Toastmasters. Here is what Tanay has to share:

I believe joining Toastmasters is a great way for me to learn how to manage the anxieties that come with public speaking which will help me develop further as a leader at work or any social setting really.

I am also looking forward to connect with like minded people in Montreal and making new friends being fairly new to this beautiful vibrant city.


Would you like to find out how Toastmasters can also help you conquer your fear of public speaking and become a stronger leader? Join us for one of our upcoming meetings.

Here is the programme for the meeting of March 30, 2021.

The St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal would like to welcome its newest member, Omar.


We like to customarily ask our new members to share with us some of the reasons why they decided to join our club. Here is what Omar mentions:

Recently, I came across a Youtube video of a man named Rick Gisby. He was giving an inspiring speech in front of thousands of people, without any fear or hesitation.

His speech was funny, emotional and educational. I started thinking to myself, "Is there a way for me, the person who always trembled giving presentations to a small classroom, to one day maybe give a similar talk?”

A bright light led me toward Toastmasters, the path toward my impossible, hard to achieve objective.

After attending a few sessions, I can say with assurance that St-Lawrence Toastmasters will help me gain the self-confidence, the poise and the ability to get my thoughts together in a logical order and to one day maybe inspire people to become better orators like Rick Gisby inspired me to.

"I won’t have a problem if you aim high and miss. But I have a problem if you aim low and hit.
Ricky Gisby


Would you like to find out more about how St-Lawrence Toastmasters Montreal can also help you become a more effective and confident speaker?

Feel free to join one of our upcoming online meetings. Here is the programme for the Toastmasters meeting of March 23, 2021.

Le Club St-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal aimerait souhaiter la bienvenue à un nouveau membre Rémi.


Nous avons l’habitude de demander à nos membres les raisons pour lesquelles ils ont choisi de se joindre à Toastmasters. Voici ce que Rémi nous mentionne :

J’ai joint Toastmasters afin d’être plus à l’aise à parler en public, d’améliorer ma qualité de leadership et d’éliminer ma timidité.


Pensez-vous aussi être du genre timide, mais intéressé à améliorer vos capacités de vous exprimer en public? Joignez-vous à une de nos prochaines réunions en-ligne pour voir comment Toastmasters peut vous être utile.

Voici le programme pour la réunion Toastmasters en ligne du 16 mars 2021.

The Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters club in Montreal is proud to welcome Joelle as a new member.


We always like to ask our new members if they would like to share some of the reasons they decided to be part of Toastmasters.  Here is what Joelle has to say:

Joining Toastmasters will allow me to strengthen my communication/leadership skills in a very supportive environment. Being part of club where people share the same vision for self-improvement is truly rewarding. Looking forward to starting my journey with Toastmasters!


Would you like to find out more about Toastmasters?  Feel free to join one of our upcoming meetings.

Here is the programme for the meeting of January 26, 2021.

Le club Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal aimerait chaleureusement accueillir sa nouvelle membre Annie.

Annie p-L

Nous avons l’habitude de demander à nos nouveaux membres de nous partager les raisons pour lesquelles ils ont décidé de se joindre à notre club.

Voici ce qu’Annie nous écrit :

Parler avec assurance de manière claire et concise. Toute une gymnastique lorsqu’on est bègue et qu’on a de la difficulté à organiser ses idées! Cependant, quelques visites au Club St-Lawrence Toastmasters m’ont convaincues que sortir de sa zone de confort est la condition sine qua non pour atteindre ses objectifs d’élocution.


Aimeriez-vous savoir comment Toastmasters peut vous aider à atteindre vos propres objectifs de communication et de leadership?  Joignez-vous à une de nos prochaines réunions.

Voici le programme pour la réunion Toastmasters (en-ligne) du 19 janvier 2021.


A few weeks ago just before Hallowe’en, the Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal had the privilege of having the current Toastmasters International President, Richard E. Peck, join our online meeting and give a speech.

We will also had a speech from our own Italo Magni (two times finalist at the World Championship of Public Speaking).

For those who missed the meeting, or who would like to view it again, you’ll be happy to know that we’ve got a recording available here.


(St-Lawrence Toastmasters online meeting)


Interested in finding out more about Toastmasters? Feel free to join us for our upcoming meeting online.

Here is the programme for the meeting of November 24, 2020.

Le club Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal aimerait chaleureusement accueillir une nouvelle membre Mélanie.

Mélanie Aubé

Stilian, président du club, accueille Mélanie comme nouvelle membre.
(En raison de la pandémie, nous gardons les distances physiques quoique nous demeurons néanmoins fort chaleureux.)

Nous avons l’habitude de demander à nos nouveaux membres de nous partager les raisons pour lesquelles ils se sont joints à notre club.  Voici ce que Mélanie nous écrit :

J’ai tendance à laisser les émotions guider mon discours. Je souhaite développer la capacité de communiquer de manière pragmatique. Avec l’expérience du groupe St-Lawrence Toastmasters, je sens que l’espace d’apprentissage sécuritaire saura contribuer à mon objectif.

The St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal would like to welcome two new members that recently joined, Elvira and Arsenii.



Club president Caroline welcomes new members Elvira and Arsenii

We like to ask our new members to share with us some of the reasons they decided to join Toastmasters. As soon as we receive Elvira’s and Arsenii’s, we’ll make sure to post them.

Until then, if you would like to find out more about Toastmasters, why not to attend one of our upcoming meetings?  Here is the programme for the Toastmasters meeting of March 10, 2020.

Le club Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal aimerait chaleureusement accueillir son nouveau membre Edouard.

EdouardCaroline Tuscherer, présidente du club, accueuille Edouard

Nous avons l’habitude de demander à nos nouveaux membres de nous partager les raisons pour lesquelles ils se sont joints à notre club.  Voici ce qu’Edouard nous écrit :

J’ai joint Toastmasters St-Lawrence afin de développer mes talents d’orateur, question de les élever au même niveau qu’ils sont lorsque je m’imagine en joute oratoire :


Aimeriez-vous aussi développer vos talents d’orateur? Venez nous rendre visite. Voici le programme pour la réunion Toastmasters du 3 décembre 2019.

The Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal would like to welcome Raymond, who recently joined as a new member.

Raymond P

Jacques Lamontagne (one of the wise elders in our club) welcomes our new member Raymond

We like to ask our new members to share with us some of the reasons why they decided to join Toastmasters. As soon as we get the text from Raymond, we’ll post it here.

Until then, if you’re interested in Toastmasters, feel free to come visit us. Here is the programme for the meeting of November 26, 2019.

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