
Would you like to know more about how Toastmasters can help you become more comfortable at speaking in public?

Feel free to visit the Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal.

Here is the programme for the meeting of October 9, 2018.


Aimeriez-vous savoir comment Toastmasters peut vous aider à vous sentir plus à l’aise lorsque vous devez parler en public?

Venez visiter le Club Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters Montréal.

Voici le programme pour la réunion du 2 octobre 2018.


Nous aimerions accueillir Delphine au Club St-Lawrence Toastmasters Montréal.

Italo (président de notre club) souhaite la bienvenue à Delphine

Nous aimons bien demander à nos nouveaux membres ce qui les a incités à se joindre à Toastmasters.  Voici ce que Delphine nous explique :

Je suis toujours à la recherche de me dépasser, je vais là où je sens que j’ai besoin de travailler, là où je sens que ma peur m’empêche de me réaliser pleinement.

Avec Toastmasters, je souhaite acquérir la confiance et l’assurance de pouvoir exprimer mes idées, mes opinions, mes croyances à tout public.

Apprendre l’art de la communication avec leadership et plaisir.


Aimeriez-vous savoir comment Toastmasters peut vous aider à vous exprimer plus efficacement en public? Venez visiter notre club situé près du centre-ville de Montréal.

Voici le programme pour la réunion du 25 septembre 2018.

One of the many skills that we get to develop at Toastmasters is the ability to prepare and deliver powerful speeches that can inspire an audience, and even persuade with power so that people will want to take action.

Here is Harrison Ford speaking at the
Global Climate Action Summit that took place in San Francisco recently.

(From: NowThis. Full speech can be found here or here.)

If we focus on the content of the speech, we notice that he inspires the audience by appealing to noble motives and challenging the audience to achieve a higher level of beliefs or achievement. He does this, for example, by speaking with passion and by using logic and emotion to support his position. Here are some excerpts:

“You’re here, I’m here, because we care. Not just for today. But we care passionately for the future.”

“While you work to recognize the challenge of climate change, I beg you, do not forget nature. Because the destruction of nature today accounts for more global emissions than all of the cars in the world. We can put solar panels on each and every house. We can even turn every car into an electric vehicle. As long as Sumatra burns we’ll have failed.”

“Nature doesn’t need people; people need nature.”

Would you like to know more about how Toastmasters can help you be a more effective speaker and a stronger leader? Feel free to come visit us.

Here is the programme for the St. Lawrence Toastmasters Montreal meeting of September 25, 2018.

Le Club St-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal aimerait chaleureusement accueillir une nouvelle membre Lisa.

Lisa-Saint-Lawrence-Toastmasters-MontrealItalo (président du club) accueuille notre nouvelle membre Lisa

Nous avons l’habitude au club de demander à nos membres de partager les raisons pour lesquelles ils ont décidé de se joindre à notre club.  Voici ce que Lisa nous mentionne :

J’admire les personnes qui attirent l’attention en racontant des anecdotes à propos de tout et de rien, d’histoires professionnelles, de famille, d’échec ou de succès. Ces personnes font souvent rire naturellement. Lorsque l’on s’y arrête, on réalise que ce sont souvent des histoires anodines. Pourtant, il y a une écoute et une attention très particulière.

Ce que j’espère développer chez Toastmasters, c’est l’art de m’exprimer naturellement, de raconter des histoires qui suscitent l’écoute, des questions ou des émotions… pour forger un dialogue.


Aimeriez-vous en savoir plus sur Toastmasters? Venez nous visiter.

Voici le programme pour la réunion du 18 septembre 2018.

Venez découvrir le Club St. Lawrence Toastmasters Montréal, qui vous offre l’opportunité de développer vos talents de communicateur et de leader dans une atmosphère amicale et accueillante.

Consultez tous les détails pour planifier votre première visite.


Voici le programme Toastmasters de la soirée du 11 septembre.

Welcome back to the St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal! After a well-deserved and relaxing summer break, our club meetings are now back in session.

We meet every Tuesday evening from 7 PM to 9:05 PM.

How can Toastmasters help you to become a more effective public speaker and a stronger leader?  By helping you to develop your presentation skills and giving you a safe environment in which to practice.

Here is an example of the sort of advice that you might get from attending a Toastmasters meeting.  This is a short video by Simon Sinek, a renowned TED Talk speaker, where he shares some of his best advice about how to begin your presentations.

“The best way to do it is to start with some sort of story, metaphor or analogy that captures the idea that you’re going to be presenting about. […] A story that is emblematic of the end result.”



If you’d like to find out more about how Toastmasters can help you improve your public speaking skills, then don’t hesitate to come visit us!

Here is the programme for the meeting of September 4, 2018.

Congratulations to our St-Lawrence Toastmasters member Tommy Lebel for having recently completed his Toastmasters Competent Communicator project.

Toastmasters - Inspire  your audience ribbon

How has that helped his leadership skills? Let’s have Tommy explain in his own words…

So many people are thrown into leadership positions without the basic tool set for truly leading people. Leading people the right way is hard work. It’s also a learnable skill that needs to be sharpened continuously. Toastmasters is a great starting point for that.

Toastmasters is probably one of the top 5 best things I have done to boost my career path. Toastmasters is well known for its public speaking aspect but much less for its LEADERSHIP skills building opportunity.


Voulez-vous améliorer vos capacités de vous exprimer en public à Montréal?

Cherchez-vous un club bilingue Toastmasters à Montréal?

Comment faire pour donner de meilleures présentations à Montréal?

Découvrez comment, en visitant le club St. Lawrence Toastmasters.

Voici le programme pour la réunion du 29 mai 2018.


Have you ever watched someone give a presentation with his hands clutched as if he wanted to cover his privates?  Or perhaps you’ve seen a speaker talking with her hands in her pocket, or with her hands on her hips? 

Such stances can make a speaker seem nervous, less confident, insecure, too casual, or even aggressive, depending on the body language that is projected.

Here is a video from Dananjaya Hettiarachchi (2014 Toastmasters International world champion of public speaking) revealing four essential body language tips.

Are you interested in seeing how you can improve your public speaking skills and even gain new ones?

Then visit the Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters Club, a bilingual Toastmasters Club in Montreal.

Here is the programme for the meeting of May 22, 2018.

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