
Dear members and guests,

We are currently taking an early pause for the Holiday Season, and will be starting up again in January 2022.  Our meetings are every Tuesday evening, and the first meeting back is scheduled for the first week of January (i.e. on Tuesday January 4, 2022).

Until then, here is a nice little video that shows how a good story can help convey a message that much more successfully. Exactly how, as Toastmasters, we can also make successful and memorable speeches thanks to the power of stories.

Happy Holidays!

-The Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters Club

Chers membres et invités,

Nous prenons actuellement une pause pour le temps des Fêtes (oui, déjà!) et nous reprendrons nos activités en janvier 2022.  Nos réunions ont lieu tous les mardis soirs, et la première réunion au retour est prévue pour la première semaine de janvier (c’est-à-dire le mardi 4 janvier 2022).

D’ici là, voici une petite vidéo qui montre comment une bonne histoire peut aider à faire passer un message avec d’autant plus de succès. Exactement comment, en tant que Toastmasters, nous pouvons aussi faire des discours réussis et mémorables grâce au pouvoir des histoires.

 Joyeuse saison des Fêtes !

-Le club St. Lawrence Toastmasters

Special workshop by Italo Magni!
November 30, 2021 at 6:45 PM

L’Espace Canal
4020 St-Ambroise, suite 140
Montréal H4C 2C7
Métro : Place St-Henri


Come attend a special workshop presented by Italo Magni, twice finalist at the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking.

To Be a Person Is to Have a Story to Tell.
So, What’s Your Story?

As Toastmasters, most of us have witnessed firsthand the lure and power of storytelling. Be it a personal story, a famous person’s life lesson story or a parable, well crafted and well told, compelling stories are the magic ingredient that make speeches memorable, valuable and inspirational.


This presentation will focus on providing insights into the following elements in the art of storytelling:

  • The 6 stories you need to know how to tell
  • Your signature story and the 4 F’s of storytelling
  • How to bring your story to life
  • An exercise that will change your journey as a Toastmaster/storyteller
  • Stories told, personal and others, to entertain and educate

This workshop is open to everyone, Toastmasters members as well as non-Toastmasters members.

Cost 15$ (covers our cost for renting the room.
Includes a non-alcoholic beverage as well as crudités.)

To purchase tickets:

(Please remember your vaccine passport.)

Cette semaine à notre club Toastmasters, nous aurons les concours de discours et d’improvisation (en anglais et en français).

N’hésitez pas à vous joindre à nous. N’oubliez pas de vous enregistrer au préalable pour voir s’il reste des places.

Voici le programme de la soirée du 23 novembre 2021.


The St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal is glad to welcome a new member, Flora.

Club president Xenia welcomes Flora to St.Lawrence Toastmasters

We like to ask our new members if they can share with us some of the reasons they decided to join. Here is what Flora writes:

"I always imagined myself giving a speech in front of people to connect and convey to them what I had to say but never really could muster the courage and confidence to do that. After stepping into the professional world, I realized more how important and beneficial it could be to connect to people by simply having a good conversation. So that made me be a part of a Toastmasters club which is exactly the place and the people who would guide me get better at public speaking."

Would you be interested in learning more about Toastmasters? Feel free to come visit us. (Please make sure to register ahead ot time to make sure there are still spots available.)

Here is the program for the meeting of November 23, 2021.

The St. Lawrence Toastmasters club is proud to celebrate 73 years of existence!


Here are some fun trivia facts… Did you know that:

– St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club is the oldest Toastmasters club in Canada east of Winnipeg!

– When it was founded in November 1948, it was the only Toastmasters club in Eastern Canada.

– Our club number is 606, i.e. three digits. (Numbers are granted in numerical order.)  Club numbers for new Toastmasters clubs chartered today have now reached seven digits.

Click here if you are interested in knowing more about our club’s history.

And if you are interested in knowing more about our club, then feel free to come visit us.

Here is the programme for the meeting of November 16, 2021.

Le Club St-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal aimerait accueillir Caroline comme nouvelle membre.

Caroline new Toastmasters Montreal memberCaroline accueillie par Xenia, présidente du club

Nous avons la coutume de demander à nos nouveaux membres de partager avec nous certaines des raisons pour lesquelles ils se sont joints à notre club Toastmasters. Voici ce que Caroline nous écrit :

"J’ai rejoint St-Lawrence Toastmasters pour l’accueil chaleureux, l’expertise et la bienveillance de ses membres. Je suis honorée d’en faire désormais partie et je m’engage à respecter les valeurs du Club, à les défendre et à toujours faire de mon mieux."

Aimeriez-vous en savoir plus sur notre club? N’hésitez pas à venir nous visiter.

Voici le programme pour la réunion du 9 novembre 2021.

The Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal would like to welcome two new members, Rômulo and Tomas.


Rômulo and Tomas with our club president Xenia

We like to ask our new members to share with us some of the reasons why they joined our club and the goals they would like to accomplish.

Here is what Tomas writes:

Thank you for the warm welcome. I joined Toastmasters to improve my public speaking skills and managerial skills.

Voici de Rômulo :

J’ai rejoint Toastmasters afin de travailler mes compétences orales en public et avoir de la rétroaction, qui me permet d’évoluer de plus en plus.

Je suis très heureux d’avoir trouvé le club St Lawrence, qui compte parmi ses membres des gens très expérimentés et capables d’inspirer l’auditoire.

Would you like to find out more about how Toastmasters can help you reach your public speaking and leadership goals? Come visit us!

Here is the programme for the meeting of November 2, 2021.

Vous souhaitez devenir plus à l’aise à parler en public?

Situés au centre-ville de Montréal, notre club (St. Lawrence Toastmasters Montréal) vous offre un environnement accueillant et sans risque pour vaincre votre peur et développer vos talents d’orateur à votre rythme. Venez nous rendre visite.

Nous sommes situés près du Marché Atwater et nos réunions ont lieu chaque mardi soir.

Voici le programme pour la soirée Toastmasters du 26 octobre 2021.


Interested in finding a Toastmasters club in downtown Montreal?

Would you like to improve your ability to speak in public?

Come visit us!

Here is the programme for the St-Lawrence Toastmasters meeting of October 19, 2021.


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