
Le Club St-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal est heureux d’accueuillir un nouveau membre Daniel.


Nous avons comme coutume de demander à nos membres ce qui les a incités à se joindre à Toastmasters. Voici ce que Daniel mentionne :

“Un objectif que je me suis mis depuis longtemps: améliorer ma communication orale et ma confiance en soi. Ayant été recommandé par mon père, ancien membre Toastmasters qui a grandement bénéficié du programme, j’ai décidé de m’engager à Toastmasters dans l’esprit de l’amélioration personnelle. Je suis très content de me joindre à ce groupe expérimenté et intéressant.”


Êtes-vous intéressés à en savoir plus sur Toastmasters? N’hésitez pas à assister à une de nos prochaines réunions. Voici le programme pour celle du mardi 6 avril 2021.

The Saint-Lawrence Toastmasters Club in downtown Montreal would like to wish a warm welcome to Tanay, one of its newest members.


As usual, we like to ask our members why they decided to join Toastmasters. Here is what Tanay has to share:

I believe joining Toastmasters is a great way for me to learn how to manage the anxieties that come with public speaking which will help me develop further as a leader at work or any social setting really.

I am also looking forward to connect with like minded people in Montreal and making new friends being fairly new to this beautiful vibrant city.


Would you like to find out how Toastmasters can also help you conquer your fear of public speaking and become a stronger leader? Join us for one of our upcoming meetings.

Here is the programme for the meeting of March 30, 2021.

The St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal would like to welcome its newest member, Omar.


We like to customarily ask our new members to share with us some of the reasons why they decided to join our club. Here is what Omar mentions:

Recently, I came across a Youtube video of a man named Rick Gisby. He was giving an inspiring speech in front of thousands of people, without any fear or hesitation.

His speech was funny, emotional and educational. I started thinking to myself, "Is there a way for me, the person who always trembled giving presentations to a small classroom, to one day maybe give a similar talk?”

A bright light led me toward Toastmasters, the path toward my impossible, hard to achieve objective.

After attending a few sessions, I can say with assurance that St-Lawrence Toastmasters will help me gain the self-confidence, the poise and the ability to get my thoughts together in a logical order and to one day maybe inspire people to become better orators like Rick Gisby inspired me to.

"I won’t have a problem if you aim high and miss. But I have a problem if you aim low and hit.
Ricky Gisby


Would you like to find out more about how St-Lawrence Toastmasters Montreal can also help you become a more effective and confident speaker?

Feel free to join one of our upcoming online meetings. Here is the programme for the Toastmasters meeting of March 23, 2021.

Le Club St-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal aimerait souhaiter la bienvenue à un nouveau membre Rémi.


Nous avons l’habitude de demander à nos membres les raisons pour lesquelles ils ont choisi de se joindre à Toastmasters. Voici ce que Rémi nous mentionne :

J’ai joint Toastmasters afin d’être plus à l’aise à parler en public, d’améliorer ma qualité de leadership et d’éliminer ma timidité.


Pensez-vous aussi être du genre timide, mais intéressé à améliorer vos capacités de vous exprimer en public? Joignez-vous à une de nos prochaines réunions en-ligne pour voir comment Toastmasters peut vous être utile.

Voici le programme pour la réunion Toastmasters en ligne du 16 mars 2021.

Are you interested in knowing more about how Toastmasters can help you become a better communicator and leader?  Feel free to join one of upcoming online meetings.

Here is the Toastmasters agenda for the meeting of March 9, 2021.


Aimeriez-vous connaître comment Toastmasters peut vous aider à communiquer plus efficacement et à devenir un meilleur leader?

Nous vous invitons à assister à une des rencontres de notre club St-Lawrence Toastmasters Montréal. (Note: Les réunions ont actuellement lieu à distance sur Zoom.)

Voici le programme de la soirée du 2 mars 2021.


Congratulations to Charles Cron for having won the District 61 Area 62 Speech Contest!


We are also proud of Caroline Tuchscherer, who placed 2nd in the French evaluation contest, as well as Alex Chan, who came 3rd in the English evaluation contest.


We are now back to our regular weekly meetings. Here is the programme for the Toastmasters meeting of February 23, 2021.

(Reminder: Online meetings are free to attend.)

Please note that there will be no club meeting on February 16, 2021. Instead, we will be attending the Area Contest.  Here are the details:


Toastmasters Area 62 Speech and Evaluation Contests

Tuesday February 16, 2021 at 6 PM

Link to join the Zoom meeting:
Password: westmount

Audio only option, dial 438 809 7799
When prompted for the meeting ID, enter 852 526 7519
Audio password: 916 713 571

Here is the programme for the online meeting of February 9, 2021.  Attendance is free of charge.


The details and credentials to connect to the online meeting are are provided directly in the PDF file.

Êtes-vous intéressés à en savoir plus sur Toastmasters?

Venez vous joindre à une de nos prochaines réunions en ligne qui ont lieu chaque mardi soir.

Voici le programme pour la réunion Toastmasters du 2 février 2021.


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