
Are you interested in improving your impromptu speaking skills and overcoming the fear of public speaking? We welcome you to experience the excitement of our Toastmasters club located in downtown Montreal!

Whether you’re a seasoned public speaker or someone who’s never heard of Toastmasters, our club is the perfect place to develop your communication and leadership skills in a supportive and friendly environment.

You’ll have the opportunity to participate in fun and engaging activities, learn from experienced members, and most importantly, grow at your own pace.

Join us for an upcoming meeting and discover how Toastmasters can help you become the confident speaker and leader you aspire to be.

Here is the programme for the St-Lawrence Toastmasters meeting of January 16, 2024.


Êtes-vous intéressé à améliorer vos compétences en prise de parole spontanée et à surmonter la peur de parler en public? Nous vous invitons à découvrir notre club Toastmasters situé au centre-ville de Montréal !

Que vous soyez un orateur chevronné ou que vous n’ayez jamais entendu parler de Toastmasters, notre club est l’endroit idéal pour développer vos compétences en communication et en leadership dans un environnement favorable et convivial.

Vous aurez l’occasion de participer à des activités stimulantes et engageantes, d’apprendre auprès de membres expérimentés et, surtout, de progresser à votre rythme.

Venez nous visiter lors d’une prochaine réunion et découvrez comment Toastmasters peut vous aider à devenir l’orateur et le leader confiant que vous aspirez à être. Au plaisir de vous accueillir !

Voici le programme du club St-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal pour la réunion du 16 janvier 2024.


Our Toastmasters club recently celebrated its 75th anniversary. In honor of this, Morag Mathieson (the current Toastmasters International President for 2023–2024) took a few minutes to warmly congratulate us for this great milestone.

After all, Toastmasters International oversees 14,200+ clubs throughout the world, so we are privileged that Morag took the time to send us her best wishes.

The St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club in Montreal can pride itself on a legacy of transformative growth and excellence in communication and leadership. With a history of maintaining a dynamic member base, emphasizing quality evaluations, and adapting to changes, the club has consistently upheld Toastmasters’ mission.

As a fully bilingual (English/French) club, St. Lawrence has garnered numerous accolades, including 90 ribbons as well as distinction in many district contests.

Members have not only benefitted from enhanced personal and professional communication skills but have also contributed positively to their wider community.

Morag Mathieson’s video underscores the enduring relevance of Toastmasters in fostering connections and achievements, celebrating past legacies, and nurturing a vision for continuous growth and community impact.

We can be encouraged to remember our foundations, cherish our journey, and share the profound benefits of our experience, all while looking forward to a future of further success and camaraderie.

Please note that our club is currently taking a break for the Holiday season.
We will meet again starting on Tuesday, January 9, 2024.


Veuillez noter que notre club prend une pause pour le temps des Fêtes. Nous nous réunirons à nouveau à partir du mardi 9 janvier 2024.

There will be two meetings in December before we pause for the Holiday Season. Then we will be back in session on January 9, 2024.


Exceptionally, the meetings of December 5 and December 12 will be special contest meetings, and will be held at the following location:

999 Maisonneuve Blvd W
Montreal, QC H3A 3L4
Suite 1250 (i.e. 12th floor)
(corner of Metcalfe, Peel metro station)

  • Please arrive around 6:30 PM (meet at the lobby, and one of our members will escort you to the 12th floor).
  • The meeting starts at 7:00 PM.
  • Latecomers must wait at the lobby until the break (around 7:35 PM).

    Problems? – Call Marc at 514-360-2190

999 Maisonneuve Blvd W

Lobby - 999 Maisonneuve Blvd W


Veuillez prendre note des changements suivants à l’horaire de nos réunions du 5 décembre 2023 et du 12 décembre 2023.

Ce seront des soirées de concours au club, et elles se dérouleront à l’emplacement suivant :

999 boulevard Maisonneuve ouest, suite 1250
(coin Metcalfe, métro Peel) (12e étage)

Arrivez vers 18h30 (attendez au RdC), la soirée débute à 19h,
les retardataires doivent attendre au rez-de-chaussée en attendant notre pause.

Problème? – téléphoner à Marc 514-360-2190

Our upcoming meetings on December 5 and December 12 will be unique and different from our regular weekly gatherings. These sessions will feature club contests, including the Toastmasters International Speech Contest and the Table Topics Contest.

These meetings might deviate from our typical Toastmasters format, but they promise to be captivating experiences. Let’s take a closer look at the Table Topics Contest:

Table Topics is designed to sharpen your skills in organizing thoughts swiftly and addressing impromptu questions or topics, as outlined on the Toastmasters International website.

During the contest, participants will be challenged to respond to an unexpected topic within 1 to 2 minutes. Here’s a summary of the key rules:

  1. Each contestant will be given the same general topic.
  2. The topic will be concise, not requiring specialized knowledge, and should prompt an opinion or conclusion.
  3. Contestants won’t know the topic until their turn, announced by the contest chair.
  4. All contestants, except the first, will leave the room at the start of the contest.
  5. Contestants will be introduced by stating their name, the topic, and then their name again.
  6. After each speech, the next contestant will be invited in.

What makes this contest particularly engaging for the audience is observing the variety of responses to the same question. It prompts us to reflect on how we might have answered and appreciate the unique approach of each contestant. This exercise allows us to learn indirectly how to refine our own impromptu speaking abilities.


Exceptionally the meetings will be held at a different location:
999 Maisonneuve Blvd W
Montreal, QC H3A 3L4
Suite 1250 (i.e. 12th floor)
(corner of Metcalfe, Peel metro station)

Un petit rappel pour mentionner qu’exceptionnellement, la réunion du mardi 28 novembre 2023 sera repoussée au mercredi 29 novembre 2023.


Please be reminded that, exceptionally, the meeting of Tuesday November 28, 2023, has been moved to Wednesday, November 29, 2023.

Le club St-Lawrence Toastmasters à Montréal aimerait souhaiter la bienvenue à Thuy.

Thuy St-Lawrence Toastmasters MontrealThuy accueillie par Yanick (président du club)

Nous encourageons chaque personne qui se joint à notre club à partager ses motivations. Voici ce qui a inspiré Thuy à devenir membre…

Je me suis inscrite à St-Lawrence Toastmasters grâce aux rétroactions de nombreuses personnes qui ont de l’expérience. J’ai toujours hâte d’y aller, car j’adore l’ambiance chaleureuse et les gens du club! J’aimerais par le fait améliorer ma confiance et communiquer clairement, ce qui est critique dans mon rôle dans la gestion de projets.

Aimeriez-vous savoir comment Toastmasters peut vous aider à devenir une meilleure leader? N’hésitez pas à nous rendre visite.

Can you believe that our club is now 75 years old! We had a chance to celebrate in great style.

In case you missed it, or if you’re interested in revisiting some of the evening’s speeches, here’s a video (thanks to our member Frédéric and his son Florent!).


Here is an album with select photos of the evening:


Here are some fun trivia facts… Did you know that:

– St. Lawrence Toastmasters Club is the oldest Toastmasters club in Canada east of Winnipeg!

– When it was founded in November 1948, it was the only Toastmasters club in Eastern Canada.

– Our club’s number is 606, a rare three-digit identifier. (Club numbers are given in order.) Today’s new Toastmasters clubs are now receiving seven-digit numbers.

Click here if you are interested in knowing more about our club’s history.

If you would like to know more about our club, feel free to come visit us.

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